Why not fly the necessary annual minimum for the validity of the SEP qualification on a significantly cheaper ultralight, and then pass the examination in some accredited G.A. flight school. In addition, you will try flying to the airports, which Cessna, etc. will not allow you … Give your flying a new dimension again!
The condition (and part of it) is retraining for EV-97 Eurostar:
How did Mr. Václav fly with me
After almost two hours of flying, I was excited, I learned exactly what I wanted and the flying was great. Thumbs up for me
How Mrs. Eva enjoyed it
Why did I decide to write a recommendation? I've always loved flying, and when Mr. Kamil offered me the opportunity to fly, for me in such a small "airplane", I thought why not. I liked his professional and especially almost friendly approach, a simple explanation of flight rules, an offer to listen to music during the flight, which I like. The strong moment was the very ease of flight and the opportunity to try piloting. A truly incredible experience for me. I highly recommend it to everyone. .... and my answer to the reason for the recommendation is - why not try something else in life, it's really worth it :-)